13 Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. 14 They were talking with each other about everything that had happened.

Luke 24:13-14 (NIV)

The same day Mary Magdalene discovered the empty tomb and conversed with the angels; the same day Peter and John had a footrace to the tomb only to discover the grave clothes neatly folded and left behind; this same day we find two more of Jesus’ followers on the road to the village called Emmaus discussing the events that had transpired over the past few days. All of these happenings occurring on the same day that Christ rose – “the first day of the new world that rose with Him” (Matthew Henry) was a flurry of activity. In each instance we discover both confusion and wonderment mixed with disillusionment and perhaps peppered with despair and hopelessness. Talking among themselves, these first followers were seeking answers, comfort and direction that only God could provide. Ever been in that position? I realize that this may seem a bit peculiar but I am reminded of King David’s actions when he found himself in this same quagmire of emotional turmoil. He and his troops had just returned to Ziklag from marching with Achish only to discover their town had been raided and burned and all of the women in it, young and old alike, along with their sons and daughters were taken captive. Scripture tells us:

4 So David and his men wept aloud until they had no strength left to weep. 1 Sam 30:4 (NIV)

I can only imagine Mary Magdalene, Peter and John weeping until they had no strength left either. I would venture to say that confusion, disillusionment, despair and hopelessness was the emotional state of David and his men as well as these first followers of our Savior. Always so loyal to David, these men were now talking of stoning him due to the bitterness of their soul over the circumstances in their lives. We must remember when we are in severe emotional turmoil; chances are, like David’s men, our thinking could be askew. Scripture states:

6 David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. 1 Sam 30:6 (NIV)

This is where it gets really good. Instead of seeking answers or refuge or consolation from among men, David turns to the Lord for his strength –it is no wonder he is called a “man after God’s own heart”:

But David found strength in the LORD his God. 1 Sam 30:6 (NIV)

David writes in Psalm 34:

4 I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Psalms 34:4 (NIV)

8 Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Psalms 34:8 (NIV)

God gives us the following directives through the prophet Jeremiah:

3 'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.' Jer 33:3 (NIV)

“God alone knows the depth and riches of His Godhead, and divine wisdom alone can declare His secrets.” Thomas Aquinas

“I cannot understand Him, but I can trust Him. And so today, when everything physical and emotional in me is completely drained, and there is not a single note of praise in my heart, I choose to praise Him anyway. Not for what He does, but for Who He is. When I cannot praise Him out of joy, I will praise Him out of obedience. And I am learning that when I praise Him out of obedience from the depths of the pit, it is always more meaningful than when I praise Him out of an overflow of my heart from the heights of the mountain. And because I know His nature, and I know that even when I don’t feel it, He is still a kind, loving, good God, then I know that soon, He will fill my heart with joy once again. And the praise will flow easily from the depths of my heart." Laura Black

“Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.” Thomas V. Moore

“We sleep in peace in the arms of God, when we yield ourselves up to His providence.”
Francois Fenelon

"Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders." Deut 33:12 (NIV)

Next time we are disillusioned or in a quandary of emotions instead of turning to the arm of flesh for guidance and consolation let us turn to the Lord and to His omnipotent hand.

20 They were helped in fighting them, and God handed the Hagrites and all their allies over to them, because they cried out to him during the battle. He answered their prayers, because they trusted in him. 1 Chron 5:20 (NIV)

What I Glean

  • I should not be surprised when I am confused over circumstances – the first followers of Jesus were confused as well.
  • When I am in emotional turmoil my thinking could be askew.
  • Instead of first turning to the arm of flesh in distress I should turn to the Lord who is my helper.