37 But he answered, "You give them something to eat."

Mark 6:37 (NIV)

Jesus tells His disciples to give this vast number of people something to eat. They were confused over this because of their lack of power and their unawareness that the very Bread of Life Himself was in their presence. Not putting them down He simply asked them “How many loaves do you have?” They respond “five and two fish”. He takes it and gives thanks to God for it and all eat and are satisfied. Christ always satisfies – abundantly! Look at how much was left over – twelve basketfuls! Don’t you know that the disciples were blown out of the water!

What I Glean

  • Nothing is impossible with God.
  • He desires to meet our every need.
  • He is patient in teaching us.
  • Give thanks BEFORE the miracle.
  • Christ always satisfies.
  • Christ always gives in abundance.
  • He wants to blow us out of the water by what He will do in and through us.