Creation of Humans

Study Notes

Memory Verse: Genesis 2:7

STORY: Creation of Man- Because He Loves Relationship

1. Review
- Let’s review some from our previous lesson!
- Who did we learn created all things? God
- How did God create the world? He spoke it into being!
- Why did God create the world? Because He had so much love inside of Him!
- How did God feel about the world He made? He named it good!
- What is God worthy to receive for creating us (think about our memory verse)? Glory and Honor and Power!
- In this lesson, we are going to talk about God creating humans from His love!!

2. God Makes The First Man
- Do you ever wonder where humans came from?
- Some people think humans just appeared out of nowhere. Other people think that humans evolved directly from animals. The list goes on and on!
- As children of God, we look to God’s Word to lead us into Truth about where humans came from.
- Before we launch into the creation of humans, let’s remember the things that God made on each of the 6 days of creation:
- Day 1: day and night 2: the sky vault 3: water and land 4: sun, moon, and stars 5: sea creatures and birds 6: animals and livestock that live on the ground
- Even though God had made so many amazing things, He wasn't finished! All of creation was building up to this moment— God was ready to make someone He could love and that could love Him back!
- God loves relationships. While the Father, Son, and Spirit lived together in love, they wanted more relationships!

3. Memory Verse
- Memory verse time! Here’s our memory verse for the creation of humans
- Genesis 2:7 tells us how God made the first human ever!! Let’s do hand motions to help us remember this week’s memory verse!
- “And the Lord formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; the man became a living being”
- Remember your tools for memorizing scripture! We could try saying the verse over and over again, writing it down, and singing it out loud. Let's say our verse again so we can remember it better!
- “And the Lord formed man of the dest of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; the man became a living being”

4. In Likeness and Image
- Let’s read Genesis 1:26; here God said “let us make man in our image and our likeness”. It was like God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit were all working together to build a human being!
- God made humans to be like Him! Nothing else on this earth was fashioned in His image.
- So what does it mean that we were created in God’s “image and likeness”?
- For one thing, it means that we are different from every other created being! While animals are able to gesture to each other, take care of their babies, and even sometimes walk upright, they don't have the option to choose God and they can't carry God’s Spirit! Those are gifts that God gave only to humans.
- This also means that human beings are super important to God. This means you are super special to Him.
- Did you already know that you reflect the image of God? How does it make you feel to know you reflect the most beautiful and amazing thing in any universe? It makes me want to smile just thinking about it!

5. The Parts of Man— Body, Soul, Spirit
- How did God construct the first human?
- God 14 made every human with a body, a soul, and a Spirit.
- Your BODY is the physical you– think of it kinda like the house you live in! Your body allows you to play tag, see beautiful things, and make cool things. It digests your food and grows without you even thinking about
- Your soul and your spirit kinda make up the “inside you”.
- Your SOUL includes your mind (how you think), your will (how you make decisions), and your emotions (how you feel happiness, sadness, anger, and stuff like that)!
- Your SPIRIT is the part of you that comes alive when you let Jesus come and make His home in your heart! Your Spirit is from God and connects you to God. Our Spirit is the thing that makes us different from animals, and it also makes us most like GOD!
- While God cares about your body and your soul, He tells us to identify with our Spirit! Romans 8:4 tells us that we “do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit”. This means that we do not look at our bodies or our emotions to tell us who we are– we look at the perfect, pure, beautiful Spirit of God to tell us who we are.
- We can look at this Spirit of God God in so many ways. One way is by reading God’s Word. You can also sing songs with God, talk to God, spend time outside with God, do art, love on people that are hurting, and talk about God with other believers if you want to focus on seeing the Spirit of God!
- Can you tell me (or someone you know) the difference in your body, your soul, and your Spirit?

6. Home for Adam
- So now that we know how God formed Adam (from dust, and with a body, soul, and Spirit), let’s talk about what came next!
- What do you think someone would need right after they came into the world? What do babies need right when they come into the world?
- Yes– a home! Right after God finished making Adam’s body, He gave Him a home! God put Adam in a beautiful garden named Eden. Eden was full of flowers, fruit trees, animals, and a river that flowed all the way through it.
- God not only gave Adam a home, He gave him work to do!
- God told him to take care of the garden and to be in charge of plants and animals. God even told Adam to help Him name every animal in the garden!
- I love thinking about how God and Adam worked together–they must have had the sweetest relationship ever.
- But wait! God wasnt done creating yet!

7. God makes a wife for Adam
- God made this huge, beautiful world and there was only one person on the entire thing!
- Have you ever been the only person on a beach? It feels so weird! How much weirder would it be to be the only person in the universe!
- While Adam didn't have another human to walk around with, God spent so much time with him and was his best friend!
- Because God loved Adam so much, He knew that Adam would really enjoy having another human to live on the beautiful earth with! God said “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make a helper suitable for Him”!
- God caused Adam to fall into a deeeeep sleep. While Adam was sleeping, God removed one of his ribs and then closed the space back up. From this rib, God made a woman, Eve, and brought her to Adam.
- Just like Adam, she was made in the image of God! She had a body (outside house), a soul (inside space), and Spirit (inside space with God). Just like Adam, she was able to know, love, and connect with God!

8. Blessing the Family
- The Bible tells us that the man should leave his father and mother and be united to his wife in marriage.
- The husband and wife become one flesh! Godly marriage always includes one man and one woman– no exceptions.
- This connection is made to last their entire lives.
- It was here that God made the first family!
- After God brought Adam and Eve together, He blessed them both! God loves blessing His children.
- God gave them two assignments
- 1) God told them to take dominion (or be in charge of) plants, animals, and every created thing.
- 2) God also told them to multiply! This means having children.
- Adam and Eve were very happy in their garden home! The Bible tells us that they walked with God in the cool of the day. They were connected to God, connected to each other, and so safe in the garden of Eden.
- In this lesson, we see that Adam and Eve are currently choosing path 1: they’re choosing life with God, and their lives are so beautiful because of this choice!
- This life of connection is God’s plans for humans – this is always the goal.
- Even though we aren't in the garden of Eden today, we are still designed to walk with God, depend on God, and follow God’s instruction. This design never goes away, no matter where you are or how old you are!

9. God Rests on the 7th Day
- Day 6 was a big day– God made humans on the same day that He made livestock and animals that roamed the earth.
- God spent 6 days working and creating the entire universe.
- After every single day of creation, God says that what He created is good– except for humans! He names humans as very good.
- God delights in and protects what He makes. He didn't just make things and forget about them, He stays present with what He crafts! He made these things to love them, especially humans.
- Remember that on the 7th day, God rested from all the work he had been doing. He didn't rest because He was sleepy, but because He knows rest is beautiful and powerful.
- He also knows that resting leads to together time with the Trinity and with his children
- God’s Word says “And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it”. This means He set it apart as a special day where He rested from His work.
- We see from the way that God spent His week that He loves hard work, He loves relationships, and He loves rest.
- I don't know about you, but I want to model my weeks after the way that God modeled His week!

- Let’s see if we can remember the things God did when He created the first man and woman!
- What 3 parts did God give to Adam?** Body, soul, and spirit**
- What had God done for Adam and Eve before He even made them? Prepared a home for them in the Garden and provided everything they needed
- What work did God give Adam and Eve to do? Be in charge of God's creation and have babies!
- Why did God do all of this? Because He wanted someone to love! He loved walking and talking with them in the Garden
- Sometimes, when circumstances in life get hard, you might wonder if God loves you. It’s important to know that no matter what life feels like, God promises that He loves you, He’s for you, and He’s with you in the middle of everything you walk through.

10. Declaration
It’s important to declare out loud what is true about God! It helps our heart come into line with what our minds understand!

Say these things to God from your heart with me!
- God made humans because He wanted sons and daughters that looked like Him!
- I exist for God!
- God gave Adam His breath, and God give us breath every day! We couldn't even breathe without His help.
- God cares about all of me– my body, my soul, and my Spirit.
- God loves providing for my needs! He faithfully provides food, family, places to rest, and He give me a relationship with Himself.
- God loves and blesses family!
- God wants me to work hard and God wants me to rest!
- What's your favorite part about the whole creation story? Tell your friends and family and thank God for making everything He made!

We are including Sara's notes for complete transparency for parents.

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