God Calls Abraham

Study Notes

God Calls Abraham

- Do you remember when God made the promise to Adam and Eve in the Garden? Do you remember what it was?
- God promised that He would someday send a Savior.
- This Savior would destroy Satan because Satan tried to destroy God’s children.
- This Savior would also take away the sin of the world and bring people back to God.
- Many years after God made this promise to Adam and Eve, he called a man named Abram. God later changed Abram’s name to Abraham ABRAHAM, so we’ll call him that!
- God called Abraham to be a father, or leader, or a new nation! This nation would be the nation that the Savior of the world would be a part of.
- Abraham lived in a city called Ur. The people of Ur did NOT love God–they worshiped the moon, instead.
- Sometimes, when people don't know the Creator, they worship created things instead. You may have seen people do this with crystals, stones, stars, and other created things.
- Anything that people love more than God is an idol, and idols never bring the life of Jesus to us– they bring death!
- God is always looking to draw people closer to Him, and the people of Ur were not close to Him. He decided it was time to switch things up. Do you know what God asked Abraham to do?

- In Genesis 12, we see God 14 ask a mighty thing of Abraham!
- One day, God appears to Abraham
- It’s so cool that our God loves to show up to ordinary people like you and me!
- Let’s read Genesis 12 to see what He says: “The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. 2 “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you.
- So pretty much, God asks Abraham to leave everything he knows and go on a blind adventure with God. God doesn't tell him where He is leading him, but He promises amazing things for Abraham!
- Abraham trusted God and obeyed Him, even though he had no idea where God was leading him.
- Has God ever asked you to do something that makes no sense? Trust God in these moments- He is a GREAT leader!

- Do you remember the big word that starts with a C that we talked about last lesson?
- A fancy word for a promise? Yes, covenant!
- Who did God make the last covenant with? Noah!
- And now, It’s time for God to make one with Abraham!
- While God asked a mighty thing of Abraham, God promised Him even more!
- No matter what let go of for God, He always out-gives us!
- Let’s dive into what God promises Abraham
- 1) I will make you a great nation 67
- We now know that the nation is later named Israel. This is the nation of God’s chosen people and it’s the nation Jesus comes to!
- 2) I will make your name great 69
- Today, the name “Abraham” is known by millions of people!
- 3) I will bless you 70, You will be a blessing 70
- When God blesses someone, He does special things to show His favor over that person. He works good for them, helps them, and gives them special assignments to complete.
- 4) I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you.
- God protects His people!
- 5) All the peoples on earth will be blessed through you
- What are some of the ways the world was blessed through Abraham?
- Well, from Abraham came Israel. And from Israel came Jesus 31 AND the Bible! These are two of the greatest gifts in our entire lives!
- God is full of promises for Abraham because God loves to bless His children! Can you think of some of the awesome stuff God has brought into your life?

- It's important to realize that the promises God made Abraham did not make any sense at the time that He was making them!
- For one thing, God told Abraham that He would make a nation out of him!
- At this point, Abraham was 75 years old and had no children. He may have thought that he would never have kids, so this promise of an entire nation must have made no sense to him!
- Another thing! It was probably so weird to hear God tell him to leave his country without telling Abraham where he was going next! God didn't give him all the answers, but He gave Him the first instruction.
- 2 Corinthians 5:7 tells us that “We walk by faith, not by sight”
- 2 Corinthians 4:18 instructs us to “Fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
- And Abraham did just that! He chose to 1) trust God’s Word TRUST and 2) obey OBEY God’s commands. Even though God’s plans were invisible, Abraham knew that he could trust God’s nature and goodness!
- The Way to share life with God remains the same today!!
- How can we have bold faith like Abraham? We must know God’s Word, abide by God’s Holy Spirit, and obey His instruction for our lives.

- Before Abraham ever started his pilgrimage, he had to resolve in his heart to follow God’s commandments. Obedience is first something we decide on in our hearts, and then Jesus works the obedience through our bodies and lives!
- Let’s read Genesis 12:5 to hear about their journey– “Then Abram took Sarai his wife and Lot his brother’s son, and all the possessions that they had gathered, and the people whom they had acquired in Haran, and they departed to go to the land of Canaan”.
- During their super long journey, and even once they got to Canaan, Abraham, and Sarah lived in tents!
- Why was Abraham willing to give up his nice home for a life of living in tents? Because he was serving the Living God! When God calls us to follow Him, there is often a cost to it. His instructions sometimes make us less comfortable than we were before, but living in the middle of what God has for us is SO MUCH BETTER than any temporary comfort we have!
- Everything was perfectly set when they got there, right? Nope! Genesis 12:6 tells us that “The Canaanites were in the land”-- the Canaanites were not people of God, and we don't see God telling Abraham about this before they get there!
- Remember, though! We walk by faith and not by sight. So even though God’s promise looked impossible, Abraham believed in God’s goodness and believed God’s promise to him– this land would soon be his.
- Abraham shows this trust in the next scene– Genesis 12:7 says “He [Abraham] built an altar there to the Lord”.
- What does an altar represent? Connection with God, offering a sacrifice for sin, showing trust in God, and worshiping God! An altar is always a place of union with God.
- With obedience, costly following, and the priority of worship, Abraham’s journey is off to an incredible start!
- Has God ever asked you to follow Him in a way that made you uncomfortable? Were you willing to obey His voice?
- If you weren't, you can ask God for forgiveness and for the strength to trust Him more!
- If you were obedient, how did you feel after you’d done what God had asked you to do?
- Share a story with a friend or family member of yours!

We are including Sara's notes for complete transparency for parents.

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